Creating Stronger Communities
There are many ways to be part of the St. Paul's community. To find out what is going on at St. Paul's, scroll through this page. If there is something you'd like to see at St. Paul's, we welcome new ideas.
For dates and times of what's going on @ St. Paul's, please see our calendar.
Please contact Pastor Paul Downing at [email protected]

Lead by our organist, the choir is an important component of worship at St. Paul’s. They make a joyful noise leading us in worship, song and praise, help us learn new liturgy, and share the Good News in 4 part harmony. Attendance at weekly practice and participation in warm up time between services is part of their dedication to this ministry by talented singers who share their gifts with all of us.
Organist and Choir Director: David V.
Contact Person: David V.
Our dedicated Quilters meet twice monthly, usually in the evening, to make quilts for Lutheran World Relief. All projects are machine stitched and hand tied to ensure they are sturdy and every effort includes the prayers of all who work in this ministry. The quilts are all blessed before they are sent to LWR. While nimble fingers fly there is much merriment in the quilting room, a space set aside for this ministry.
Contact Person: June S.
Rise Against Hunger
"Rise Against Hunger is growing a global movement to end hunger by empowering communities, nourishing lives and responding to emergencies." Join St. Paul's Lutheran Church and the community for the annual meal packaging events.
November 9, 2024 Event: 10,152 meals packed and shipped to the Philippines, and $4,100 raised
November 4, 2023 Event: 10,152 meals packed and shipped to Vietnam, and $4,000 raised
Contact Person: Deacon Johnny.
Cradle Roll
When a child is baptized who is under three years of age, the Cradle Roll is activated. Through this ministry, the parents receive a monthly newsletter filled with developmental notes, faith formation suggestions, crafts, music and games for children, and the child’s name is entered on the Celebrations bulletin board. This fosters an opportunity for parents and the church to stay in touch.
Contact Person: Dottie M.

Christian Education for Our Youth
In addition to the Bible studies that meet regularly, Christian Education also encompasses Sunday School, First Holy Communion classes, Confirmation classes and VBS (Vacation Bible School) ministries. Our youngest members worship with their families, participate in Pastor’s Object Lesson which sometimes have very exciting activities (ever watch a preschooler help to light the Advent candles?), and then go to class for activities or crafts, a lesson, before returning in time for Holy Communion. Older children have opportunities to grow in faith and knowledge of Lutheran traditions and practices through classes and activities geared especially to their needs. VBS is a 5 day whirlwind of activities, faith experiences, crafts and lots of fun with a diverse group of children lead by dedicated teachers.
Contact Person: Pastor Paul will know the person to contact for each of these ministries.
Mary Martha
This group of senior adults is participating in a monthly Bible study lead by Pastor. They have set a goal of reading, studying and discussing the entire Bible a few chapters at a time. Meeting during the day once a month, usually on a Tuesday, this is a very spirited and Holy Spirit inspired group.
Contact Person: Gale C.
Open Bible Study
Friday Power of Prayer Group

Worship & Music Committee
The committee meets regularly prior to church seasons and is quite active in behind the scenes work. Together, with Pastor, we plan worship services, provide a variety of worship experiences, enhance our sanctuary, make suggestions and recommendations to Council. Coordination of altar care, including updating the manual with all new text and photos, training of worship assistants and ushers, provision of the annual flower chart all fall under the umbrella of Worship and Music, along with changing paraments and creating banners. We support the musical program and efforts of the choir, encourage the liturgical dance team, and participate in our annual Christmas pageant. We cook, prepare, and cleanup meals in conjunction with midweek Lenten, Advent and Ascension Day services, and coordinate Easter congregational breakfast.
Contact Person: Sue B.
Stewardship Committee
Development and implementation of our annual stewardship program, overseeing the Schmidt Memorial Scholarship Fund, growing the Capital Improvement Fund, and the St. Paul’s Memorial Fund are the primary functions of this dedicated group; this past year the highly successful and fun Pony Express Campaign enlisted the efforts of many individuals. Stewardship works with many other committees such as the 100th Anniversary Committee and with our Treasurer to fulfill its goals.
Contact: Treasurer Stu M.
Property Committee
Also known as the Fix-It group, members are tasked with the routine maintenance of church property. Painting, clean-ups, changing light bulbs, performing minor repairs, being available to meet with contractors or inspectors are shared responsibilities. This group advises Council on larger purchases or projects and has made recommendations involving painting contractors, alarm companies, upkeep on heating and ventilation, AC, carpentry, electricians, siding and gutter and flooring companies, window installers.
Contact Person: Ed M.
Nominating Committee
The committee members are elected at the Annual Meeting and are tasked with reviewing all active members and contacting those that the committee identifies as potential candidates for Council positions. This committee meets in the months preceding an election, personally reaches out to members and presents a slate to the congregation and council. Nominations from the floor at the annual meeting allow all voting members to enter their names into consideration for elected office.
For further information contact a Council member or the Pastor.
Membership Committee
A core team member, assisted by a Council member, meets after every service to count, record and prepare reports for the Treasurer and Financial Secretary. A deposit of all the cash and checks at our bank is also part of the responsibilities of this cadre of volunteers who keep careful track of all donations.
Contact Person: Rob R.
Money Counters
This committee reviews and publishes the annual list of voting members, identifies people who might need support or additional contact from the congregation. Visitors to church are greeted with enthusiasm, and encouraged to sign the guest book. The Bread ministry efforts reach out to repeat visitors with a special welcome note and a loaf of homemade bread delivered to their home. Increasing visibility of the congregation in the local community is another effort of this committee.
Contact Person: John S.

Synodical Deacons
Our Deacons are an important part of life at St. Paul’s. They are called to a ministry of service and sharing of The Word. They attend Council meetings, Worship & Music committee meetings, Sunday School meetings, Mary Martha Bible studies, Open Bible studies, Power of Prayer weekly prayer meetings, and also leads worship and Bible studies at Echo Arms and St. James Nursing Home. They preach and preside at worship services of healing, attend retreats and Diakonia continuing education sessions, participate in Pastoral Care ministry at Mather Hospital and are Eucharistic Ministers. Our deacons lead by example and coordinate many outreach activities such as ELCA World Hunger or Nickels for Nets appeals.
Contact Person: Deacon Johnny S., Pastor Paul
Thrivent Advocate
Thrivent provides investment and financial advice, insurance and annuities to many Lutherans and other Christians. As a faith based fraternal organization, they also provide benevolence support to various ministries of local churches through grants in their Choice Dollars and Action Team programs.
Contact John S. for further information or assistance in applying for these programs.

Anyone interested in helping with the website management, please let us know!
Sermon Videos
Every week the sermon is taped as it is delivered live and then linked to our church webpage, Facebook page and via Twitter feed. An archive of all sermons resides on the webpage. This allows members who were traveling and others who missed church to experience Pastor Paul’s message and hear the Good News.
Contact: Johnny and Amanda S.
Facebook Live
Sunday morning 8:30 am services are streamed live on St. Paul's Facebook page and can be viewed any time after on St. Paul's Facebook page.
Sunday morning sermons from today as well as years past can be viewed any time on St. Paul's YouTube page.