Follow the links for ARCHIVED SERMONS: 2022, 2021, St. Paul's YouTube Page
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Complete services can be viewed on our Facebook page.
Sermons past and present can be viewed on our YouTube page .
“The Incredible Christmas Search"
“The Incredible Christmas Search" by Doug Peterson
Narrated by Rev. Paul Downing, Pastor
"The Blessed Hope”
“Obedience of Faith”
"The One Who...”
“Come to Repentance”
"The Unexpected”
"When it Was, Is”
"Long Time Coming”
“The Simple Parable”
Advent Lutheran Church - Mattituck
"Light to Be Recognized By”
“God’s Word at Work”
“God & Neighbor”
“It's Complicated!”
“Murdered Messengers”
“Meanings & Intent”
“Fair Is Fair but Grace Is Better”
“It’s Just Not Fair...Or Is It?”
“What is Church?”
“Living for the Dying”
“Open Gates”
“Who Are You to Say?”
“Miracle After Miracle”
“Do We Have Enough?”
“We’re the Hekawi?”
“The Messy Sower”
“The Bad Pretending (The Yokes on You)”
Rev. Bruce Kaifler
“It Is Not You”
“Despite All Doubt”
“Embody the Resurrection”
“Origins (Earth or God)”
“Jesus Is Asking for It”
“The Living Grace Lives”
“Abundant Life”
“Resurrection Everywhere”
“Marked Absent?”
“Jesus IS the Message”
Sunday of the Passion: Matthew 26:14—27:66
“No Funerals Today”
“Why So Hostile?”
“Just Ask the Thirsty”
“If You Know, Know!”
“What it is to be Famished”
“Be Reconciled to God”
“The Vision”
“Salt Preserves”
Sermon - Guest Preacher
Rev. Gary Schulz, Pastor